Cape Dutch Architecture


The manor homes houses were typically laid out in an H-shaped or U-shaped plans with the entrance on the main axis of symmetry. View a wide variety of Cape Dutch houses in baroque and neoclassical styles, including how the elevations relate to the plan and surrounding gardens.

Visit the site PLOTSFORSALECAPETOWN for more about the history of Cape Dutch architecture in the Western Cape.


The manor home has an exemplorary example of a neoclassical gable, with its short outer pilasters and longer innner pilasters that are capped by urns and scrolls. Teh garlands and stars add further embellishment.

Visit ARCHITECTCAPETOWN for designs by this architect in the Modern Cape Dutch style.


The Blettermanhuis is a meseum located in the heart of the historical town of Stellenbosch, which contains numerhouse Cape Dutch style town houses in its main roads.

Click on CAPETOWNSPLENDOUR for another website describing other Cape Dutch architecture characteristics.


The home is painted a light yellow colour instead of the usual white, and it looks good contrasted against the deep dark oak windows, doors and shutters.

See GLITZYMAGAZINE for characteristic elements of Cape Dutch architecture.


Lime from seashells was used for cement as well as painting, which caused the walls to be white. In recent times, a few of the manor homes have been painted a light cream colour. The photo is of the farmhouse at Morgenster.

See CAPETOWNSPLDENDOUR for more pictures of architecture attractions in Cape Town.


Dated 1789 the house may be regarded as a transition from the Holbol to the Baroque style, with a Holbol gable on the back, and an elaborate baroque gable on the front.

You might also enjoy ARCHITECTCAPEDUTCH which has more informatino about popular architecture styles in South Africa.


Often there were several cellars and other anxillary structures loosely connected to the manor house. This outbuilding at buitenverwachting is equaly to any farmhouse in the Cape.

Go to GLITZYMAGAZINE for an overview of best Cape Dutch houses.


Located on the northern slopes of Helderberg, is this exquistely referbished Cape Dutch house with a very restrained neoclassical gable that lacks the usual pilasters and pediment.

See GLITZYMAGAZINE for more stunning images of Cape Dutch style houses.


One of the earliest Cape Dutch homes to be built in the Cape Colony, the gable is dated 1776, a decade in which there was a flurry of building activity on the farms.

Press CAPETOWNSPLENDOUR for key features of the design.


The two pillars supporting the central the tower became an architectural element on all of the farms. Today it is considered a symbol of oppression from a bygone era.

PLOTSFORSALECAPETOWNto view other Cape Dutch houses in South Africa.

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